Body Wave Lace Closure - 12A Quality - HAIRwegoNOW

Body Wave Lace Closure - 12A Quality


What is a 4*4 Body Wave Lace Closure?

These closures are used to cover a small area of your head when doing a full weave installation. The closure is a full lace covering measuring four inches in length and width. It comes with either a free part, meaning there is no part and you can make your own parting on the lace, or a middle part lace closure, where the part is in the middle only and lastly, the closure may come with 3 parts, giving you the option of switching the parts from to middle to sides with ease.

The curl pattern is a big S wave or a loose wave. This wave pattern is the most popular. Why?? Because you will be able to straighten it and once wet the curl pattern will return.

However, keep in mind that the wave pattern may loosen from original state. This closure will last a few months. Excessive combing and brushing causes the lace to loose some hair and make result in bald patches in the lace.