How to grow back my edges

Tips and Products to Grow Back Your Edges

Are you struggling with getting  your edges to grow back? Are your edges thin and sparse? Or, maybe you've given up completely on even trying to regrow them, after trying product after product and yet nothing seems to work.

Well, guess what? I've been there. I struggled for years after doing weaves after weaves, not giving my hair air to breath. I loved that tight feeling from getting a fresh weave, even though deep down I knew it was damaging my edges tremendously. I would convince myself my "new do" was worth it. But yet, my edges were silently suffering.

If you've had or currently having the similar issues with your hairline, hopefully one or more of these methods will help you maintain and regrow healthy full edges.

So, What are Edges?

Your edges are those fine, baby hairs that grow along the perimeter of your hairline.

They tend to be much shorter than the rest of your hair and can be styled with a edge brush or otherwise known as "laying your edges". Keep in mind these are the most fragile hairs on the entire head. Because of that, it is very easy to pull them out when styling your hair or doing protective styles.

What causes thinning edges?

There are several factors that contribute to the loss of your hairline. One of the most common reason is protective styles such as weaving, braiding or wearing wigs.


This style consist of braiding the hair in a pattern, then using needle and thread to attach the wefted extensions to the braids. Overtime, if done excessively or not done correctly, this will cause your edges to recede or thin drastically. In this case, edge control gel can be your best friend!


This style using extensions by interlacing strands with the natural hair to form a braid. If done too tight, this will pull on your edges and cause them to break and/or thin.


One of the most popular protective styles in today's time. Wigs are constructed on a wig cap with extensions to form a style very similar to that of a weave. Most women, then glue or sew the wig to the head for a secure fit. Others use a band to make it a snug fit. The wig cap, overtime, will cause traction to the edges from constantly being covered which causes will eventually cause thinning edges.

How to protect your edges?

Now that we understand what edges are, lets jump right into how to protect them. Taking these steps whether doing protective styles or not will help your edges stay where they are and grow.

Deep condition regularly

Work conditioner in hair from ends to roots, not forsaking the edges also. We recommend the Silicon Mix Conditioner, as it revitalizes, treats and moistures dry, weak or damages hair instantly.

Silicon Mix Conditioner - Used to revitalize dry, brittle and damaged hair.

Vitamins and Hair Pills

These will help to promote healthy hair regrowth only if combined with some of the other steps listed. The pills are taken once or twice a day to help give the body anything it may be lacking to stimulate hair growth. We recommend using the Hair, Skin and Nails pills.

Hair,Skin and Nails Vitamins infused with biotin to help regrow thinning hair.

Use essential oils

Essential oils help to keep scalp hydrated and stimulates hair growth. Using an oil 2-3 times a week by massaging it in a circular motion helps to stimulate the hair follicles and promotes healthy hair growth. We recommend using the Wild Growth Hair Oil on your edges. It is made with natural ingredients made specifically for hair regrowth.

Wild Growth Hair Oil is used to regrow edges and promotes strong, healthy hair.

Do not overdo Protective Styles

We all love extensions whether it is wigs or weaves or braids. But constant pulling on the baby hairs will cause friction and breakage. In between protective styles, it is best to give your hair some breathing space (2-4weeks). In this time, make sure to give your natural hair some TLC. 

Daily Natural hair care

Wear a silk or satin bonnet or scarf to bed

When sleeping, there tends to be a lot of friction from the pillowcases to the sheets. This causes the hairline to break or become weak overtime. Try to cover your hair with a satin or silk fabric to protect your edges overnight. Putting this a bit above the hairline is best to prevent any breakage.

Satin Edge Scarf used to protect the edges overnight when sleeping.

Moisturize regularly

I tend to sometime moisturize the ends of my hair and neglect the edges, thinking its not necessary. Boy, was i wrong! It is very important to apply a thin layer of moisturizer at least 3 times a week on your edges. Apply this in a circular motion to stimulate the hair follicles and help promote healthy hair growth. We recommend the Mielle Organics Avocado Moisturizing Hair Milk.

Mielle Organics Avocada Hair Milk for daily hydration and moisture.

Wear a wig band under wigs

We highly recommended wearing a Velvet Wig Grip Band under your wigs to protect your edges from breaking off. This band is made of velvet material which is soft on the edges and prevents the wig cap from being directly on the edges.

Wig grip band to protect the edges from breaking under wigs


There's a saying that patience is a virtue. I believe thats quite accurate. Always remember, if you give your edges the time and attention it needs, you are guaranteed to see results. Follow the steps above regularly and watch those edges regrow.





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