Transparent Lace Closure - The Most Undetectable Lace Closure - HAIRwegoNOW

Transparent Lace Closure - The Most Undetectable Lace Closure


A Lace Closure is installed at the top of the head and is combined with hair bundles to complete the style. The closure size is typically a 4*4 inches. The lace color normally have a different shade from people to people. Why? Because it depends on your skin color. Different skin shades will give the closure a different color.

What is a Transparent Lace Closure?

Before we find that out, lets answer What is a Brown Lace Closure?

This closure is the most popular shade of all the closures. The lace comes with a natural light brown shade that can be bleached to a lighter desired shade. 

The transparent lace however is colorless. It is almost see through. The most popular size is the 4*4 in body wave or straight textures.

The transparent lace is very popular now because it gives you the confidence of having a realistic hairline. It is very hard to detect the lace, so its always a first option in 2020 when buying closures and frontals.

To Read More about our Transparent Lace, head over to our blog post.